Monday, January 30, 2012


New blog post!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Project: Team Thin Frames!

Hello All! I will now be cross posting blog posts from my other blogs here, for those of you using blogspot.

Today I want to talk to you about Project: Team Thin Frames! The husband and I have together decided to start caring about our health and actually doing something about it. So, we've created a joint blog called: ThinFrames.

Go check it out! You can see how excited we're getting about this new venture and how it's bringing us closer as a couple.

It's pretty rad having your life partner be your partner in crime! <3
xoxo Depi

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Friday, June 24, 2011

Playing catch up

June has been a whirlwind month. It did not start out very well either... What I have to say next is really hard to talk about but I need to get it out there because it helps explain what's been going on.

From Sunday 5/30- Saturday 6/4, we spent the week in ICU with my Gramma Schmidt. She's been living with my mom every winter the last few years because Iowa winters are so unforgiving, and she's on her own. Well, last August, she sold her house & moved in with mom permanently! YAY!


Us last Aug in Estes Park, CO

We got to spend many Sundays at Mom's house hanging out with her these last 9 months and I'll be forever greatful for that time... because Gramma passed away after a week in ICU. She had fallen while getting dressed and bumped her head. Mom took her to the hospital, she had brain surgery (subdural hematoma: meaning the entire left side of her head btwn her skull and her brain was full of blood). The surgery went amazingly well and when I got to see her that Sunday, she not only looked amazing but she was sharp as a whip! The rest of the week was a complete bummer though. We think she had 2 strokes, a heart attack and she had to have surgery a 2nd time. Sometimes, it's just not worth fighting anymore.


Gramma Christmas 2009 - in her new blanket

A week in ICU is not easy. Mom & I functioned on auto pilot the majority of the time, and I had to take time off of work because I couldn't cope. But life goes on, they always say and sure enough it did... a few days after Gramma's passing and after helping mom pick out her urn, Kairi & I had to go to Martha's Vineyard for his cousin's Asil's wedding.


The sailboat the wedding took place on

We spent a lovely week in the vineyard with family and friends and it was a much needed break from real life. We got home on a Tuesday night only to spend one day at home before we had to leave again... the Meinert family reunion was that Saturday...but even more importantly, Gramma's memorial was that Friday.


Kairi holding some of the flowers from the service

The service was nice but completely surreal. You know how those things think you've accepted the fact that someone you've lost isn't around anymore, but then something reminds you of them and you want to call them or ask about them. Even at her memorial, I was dying to turn around and talk to her. Sad day...

Gramma's grave (right next to Grampa - RIP 2003)

The family reunion was fun! It was held at a park and although I didn't know many people there (my Dad's side of the family is so large I don't even know some of my own cousin's names!), we had a great time. The kids played for hours, we ate some great food and had some quality time with family. I'm so glad we went! I haven't been to one of these since I was in High School!! (so that was at least 13 years ago)


Gramma & Grampa Meinert (a picture of a picture)

So, we've been home for a few days and I had to go back to work. I had anxiety about coming back but when I pulled into the parking lot the other day, I was smiling. Although real life is really scary, I missed it.

I know that loss is hard, I've lost many people that I love... all we can do now is try to cope, keep going forward and always cherish our memories. We can keep our love alive and take peace in knowing that our loved ones are not suffering and maybe they're looking out for us now.

So that's my life lately...I just thought I'd play a little catch up.

(PS for you spelling Nazi's I purposefully misspell Grandma & Grandpa)